At the start of month 9, you may start introducing many foods to your baby from meat to wheat flour, from eggs to fish. For this reason it is the period that mothers should be most observant. As each baby is different, take into consideration the signals your baby gives and introduce solids slowly and with caution. Some babies are curious and open to delicious new adventures and some are more conservative and loyal to their habits and resistant to changes. Just like us! You should be by his side all the way through his nutritional journey and adapt to his pace and turn the nutrition experience to a joyful event for him.
If your baby has iron deficiency , this will go down or end as you start feeding him meat. Click here for signs of iron deficiency. However as the variety of foods he eats during this period increases, he may start having problems like constipation, gas, reflux . You should follow three day waiting rule and consult your doctor in every step. Cow's milk, citrus fruits, egg white, tomatoes are some of the foods that should be avoided before month 12. Digestive system of your baby is not ready for these yet and allergy risk is still high.
In parallel with motor development of your little gourmet, at month 9, month 10 and month 11 you may start giving him finger foods. Even if just to teething or playing with foods, you can give them foods like teething biscuits, fruits in fruit nets and allow him to discover these new foods and to feed himself. This new experience will amuse you as much as it amuses them! Click here to access videos of experts about baby and infant feeding.
For diet table for month 8-10 click here.
For diet table for month 10-12 click here.
If your baby does not eat with you sitting around the table, it is time to start. Your baby will love spending time with the family at meals. Don't forget that the important thing for baby's nutrition is not how much they eat, it is rather what they eat and their relation with the food. Don't be the one who decides whether your baby is full, let him be the judge of that. Believe us when we say getting your baby to adopt to positive attitudes like sitting in his baby chair, feeding himself and eating with the family around month 9, month 10 and month 11 is more important than him eating less in one or more meals. If your baby's development is healthy, during this period it does not matter how much he eats. You may track your child's growth curve by using percentile calculation tool or by consulting your doctor.
8-12 months

There is no adventure waiting for your baby from month 6 to 8; Since digestive system of your baby is not developed yet, he will not be ready for most foods and even though you start introducing solids, he still continues to take major nutrients from breast milk during this period. However month 9, 10 and 11 is an important period in transition to solids.