There are two differing views about when to introduce solids. Many doctors would recommend breastfeeding only for the first 6 months and start introducing solids afterwards. Your milk is rich and nutritious. In the first six months your baby gets everything he needs from it, except Vitamin D. At this period your baby's digestive system simply is not ready to digest solids, so you wait until the 7th month.
Another view recommends introducing solids at 4 months. Doctors who recommend this believe that introducing solids earlier will help boost the digestive system to become ready for solids earlier. They believe that this way the phase of introducing solids to your baby becomes easier.
Just digest this information; you don’t have to make a decision right now. It’s only you and your doctor’s view that will determine the right time for your baby’s first bites. (If you get stressed, just remember that there is not a single person on Earth who couldn’t complete this transition!)