How to do
Wash the chickpea and cook it in water. Drain the water and wheeze it with a blender.
Combine and knead all ingredients until you get a soft dough.
Cover it with a damp cloth and keep it in the fridge for 15-20 minutes; then shape it as you like.
You may use either of the two cooking methods below to cook the chickpea.
Add 1 cup of chickpea to 2-3 cups of water and boil it for five minutes.
Then take it off the stove and keep it aside for two hours.
This would the first method...
Chickpea is a diuretic as well.
If your baby has diarrhea, remove chickpea from his diet.
You should be cautious when feeding babies with products that contain wheat.
Please note that wheat contains gluten and babies are very sensitive to gluten.
Gurme Bebek recommends introducing wheat products to your babies at month 8.
Please consult your doctor about wheat products. Bon Appetite!
Keep in Mind
Second method is to wash the chickpea and soak it in a pot. Use 2 cups of water for 1 cup of chickpea.
Researches show that you have to soak it for minimum 4 hours.
At the end of four hours phytase enzymes in the chickpea would be activated.
If you wish you can soak chickpea overnight.
Throw away the water you used to boil or soak the chickpea.
After you discard this water, wash the chickpea under water.
This way you will reduce the risk of gas problems in babies.
To help with getting rid of the gas, you may add a pinch of cumin or grated nutmeg to the dish while cooking.