How to do

Mix the poppy, sesame and tahini in a bowl. 
If you wish, you may add 1-2 tablespoons of butter.
Add 2 glasses of hot water and let it cool down at room temperature.
Then add the oatmeal on it and prepare the dough as thick as an earlobe.
Roll out the dough on your counter.
Cut round parts using teacups.
Place these round dough parts on a greased tray and bake for 20-25 minutes in a preheated oven at 180 degrees. Serve them when it cools down. Enjoy this lovely snack with your little gourmetJ Bon Appetite!


Always consult your doctor about the foods you introduce your baby for the first time and follow the three-day waiting rule.

Keep in Mind

You may grate a medium-sized potato inside the dough and add a tablespoon of wheat germ.
A friend of mine adds potato starch in it…

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