How to do

Wash the spinach and cut the stems.
Chop it up and place it in a deep cup.
Add the egg and the other ingredients; mix them altogether.
Add a little more flour if necessary and mix it into a dough like form.
If it is too firm, you may want to add some milk.
Place the thin layer of dough on the tray greased with butter and bake until it gets a nice brown color.


This recipe contains milk and egg.
As these may cause digestion and allergy problems, do not use this recipe if your baby is younger than 1 year old.

Keep in Mind

Calcium is what babies need the most during their first years.
And just note that spinach is an amazing calcium source. Therefore we advise you to add this simple and yummy recipe in your little one’s diet. Bon appetit! For benefits of spinach and spinach recipes for your little gourmets,  click here .

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