Benefits of cheese
In a short while we will list the tips for mothers of babies who don't like cheese. But first let's see the things that set cheese apart from other dairy products.
Calcium is a must for healthy bone development and strong teeth. Cheese is a calcium and protein source and if your baby does not drink milk or eat dairy products, it will be hard for him to get the calcium supply he needs from other foods. Broccoli has calcium up to a some degree but in order to get the calcium content of slice of cheese he will need to eat lots and lots of broccoli. And don't forget that we use the calcium stored in our bones at early ages throughout all our life. Cheese is a great source of protein and folic acid for your little gourmet. It is rich in Vitamin A, B and D.
Cheese is a good calcium and protein source for little gourmets that dislike cheese. In terms of nutritional value, cheese may be considered like concentrated milk. Your child will get the calcium and protein from 30 gram cheese by drinking 200 grams of milk.
Unlike milk, you can feed cheese and yoghurt to your little gourmets safely as of month 6. Little gourmets may have hard time digesting cow's milk due to its lactose content. When yoghurt is made from milk, its structure changes and lactose is transformed and accordingly this problem is eliminated. However if your baby is lactose intolerant , you should continue to be careful when feeding cheese to your baby. Each type of cheese may contain different amounts of lactose.
The nutritional value of each cheese is not the same. For example kashar cheese has higher calcium and protein content than feta cheese. When choosing the right cheese for your little gourmets, always check its nutritional value stated on the label. You will see the difference.
Kashar cheese, tulum cheese, whey cheese, mild cream cheese and other types of cheese should be examined and offered to the baby at intervals. Click here for home-made mild cream cheese.
Keep in mind
If your child does not like cheese don't force him to eat and don't get upset. But always continue to offer him cheese from time to time. On day he may surprise you. During this period, by feeding him yoghurt, milk and dried fruits, you will make sure he gets all the nutrition that he would have gotten from cheese.
Cheese has a strong taste. It may be true that your child is not ready for this taste yet.Gurme Bebek always recommends that you have your child taste these foods one by one and without mixing it with other foods. Supporting development of palatal delight of your baby and giving him the chance to enjoy different tastes is very important for a healthy feeding behavior. But mothers know, sometimes all you need is little tricks! If you can't make him eat cheese directly, you may add cheese to various recipes. Slowly your little gourmet will get used to the taste of cheese.
Try to prepare different dishes with cheese. For Gurme Bebek's recipes with cheese click here.
Avoid non-pasteurized cheese and all kinds of cow's milk products. Especially be cautious about not giving your baby any dairy products the origin of which you don't know.
The biggest risk in feeding cheese to a 6 month baby is the salt. Not exposing babies to excessive salt is very important both for their palatal delight and their health. If the feta cheese you feed to your baby is salty, keep it in water for some time or prefer cheese with low salt.
Cheese 6
Little gourmets are categorized in two: the ones that love and the ones that hate cheese! Mother's of the second group usually go through a trauma in this respect. Because feta cheese is the name for breakfast in Turkish cuisine. Mothers are right, cheese is a great source of calcium, vitamin and mineral But to be honest, it is not the only source.