Benefits of goat's milk
Milk is one of the main foods that supply vitamin and mineral need of your baby. For this reason you need to be careful when choosing the milk appropriate for the age and health condition of your baby.
Goat's milk with high calcium, protein, potassium content will support bone development of your little gourmets. Goat's milk is a great supply of Vitamin A and D and Vitamin B.
But the most important feature of goat's milk is that it is easier to digest compared to cow's milk. Compared with cow's milk, goat's milk lactose rate is lower and it is less lactose intolerant and allergy risk is low. But don't forget, this does not mean that you will protect your little gourmets 100% against allergy from goat's milk. If your baby has allergy  to milk or is lactose intolerant, before starting giving  goat's milk to your baby, you should consult your doctor. By following the  3 day waiting rule you may observe whether any your baby develops any reactions to the goat's milk.

When can I give goat's milk to my baby?
You should not give goat's milk to babies under 1 year old. The reason for this is that in terms of nutritional value, the goat's milk is not well-balanced to meet the nutritional requirements of babies from month 0 to 12. For example at this range, the most important element for your baby is iron and goat's milk is low in iron. Also as folic acid and Vitamin B6 content is low, goat's milk may cause diseases like development disorder and anemia in babies that are under 1 year old.
Baby's may start drinking goat's milk at the end of month 8. In this regard, listen to the advice of your doctor  and follow the 3 day waiting rule. Make sure that goat's milk you will use in these products are pasteurized.