How to do

Dried apricots should be cooked for 10 minutes in a coffee pot in 2 tablespoons of water.
Then thin the mixture with a blender.


Simple and tasty… A lovely treat for your little gourmetsJ Bon Appetite! Thin the fruits in the water you used to boil them.
You may increase the amount of water to dilute it.As of month 6 your baby will start eating solids, and you may include dried apricots in their diet. Therefore Gurme Bebek recommends that you use sun-dried apricots that are sulfur free.
Please note that sulfur is unhealthy and may case allergies in babies.



Gurme Bebek does not recommend serving babies and children too much dessert, regardless of how healthy they are.
Cause when your baby gets used to eating sweets, he will no longer like the taste of green vegetables.
You may add sweets like dried apricot puree to  recipes like pudding made with whole oats.
This way you will sweeten oat bran, which is a very healthy food but which does not have much of a taste and you will prevent your baby from getting addicted to sweets.

Keep in Mind

You can use this recipe to replace sugar in all your dishes.
If your baby has already started eating finger foods, you may split the cooked apricots in small bites and serve.
You may even sprinkle some walnut that you have processed with a blender.
I can't think of any healthier and delicious dessert than this; both for you and your baby.
Just take a bite, you will love it!

Sender : Seda Sümer | Other recipes
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