How to do
Soak the green lentils overnight.
Strain the lentils.
Discard the water you used to soak the lentils.
Take the lentils in a small pot, cover them with extra water (about 3 cm.) and boil it until it is cooked well.
Don't let lentils absorb all the water.
If necessary, add some more water.
Add the cracked wheat to the lentil and put the lid on for cracked wheat to swell.
Sauté the finely chopped onion, garlic, tomato paste and parsley.
When cracked wheat swells, add the mixture into the pan and stir gently.
When the ingredients are mixed thoroughly, form ball shapes out of them.
Ready to serveJ Bon Appetite!
Don't use too much water in the beginning; you may add it later if necessary.
If excessive water is used, lentil balls will be too soft.
In order for little gourmets to grab the balls with their fingers comfortably, lentil balls need to have a little thick consistency.
Lentil is one of the most important foods that you will feed your baby.
For detailed information about lentils and for more recipes, click here .
Green lentil and cracked wheat may cause gas problems.
If your baby suffers from gas problem, you may postpone the month to introduce legume or serve it to them in small amounts.
Click here for gas problem in babies.
You may introduce citrus fruits as of month 12.
If your baby is younger than month 12, you may remove lemon from this recipe.
Or you may consult your doctor and add small amount of lemon to observe how your baby tolerates it; gradually increase its amount in time. Why are the citrus fruits introduced after month 12?
It is recommended that salt is not included in babies’ diets until at least the age of 1.
If your baby is younger than 1 year old, try this recipe without salt.
Keep in Mind
Lentil balls are an excellent finger food for little gourmets.
You may split them into bites and serve your little baby.
It may be a great alternative especially for children that refuse eating the classical legume.
It is very important that the babies start feeding themselves at early months therefore finger foods play an important role in their nutrition habits.
If you wish to encourage children to self-feeding and your baby cannot grab spoons yet, try these meatballs instead of cracked wheat pilaf and lentil, you won't regret it!