Soy should not be one of the first foods that you feed your baby, little gourmets should be introduced many various foods before they eat soy.
Symptoms of soy allergy: Nasal discharge, asthma, dermatitis, diarrhea, bowel movement, rashes, allergy in mouth area, vomiting, wheezes, hypersensitivity (anaphylaxis) Click here for what you should know about allergy.
It's a highly allergic food so it is a quite confusing matter when doctors recommend giving soy based alternative formulas for babies with lactose intolerance.
The month of introducing soy to babies is a very controversial issue. There are some opinions suggesting that month 6 and 8 should be the time to introduce soy. Gurme Bebek recommends not introducing soy before month 12 to avoid possible allergy risk. Make sure you consult your doctor in this respect.
As Soya has GDO, it has become one of the foods you should exclude from both your and your baby's diet. However if you provide it from a source that guarantees it is GDO free, you may start giving products like soy or tofu made with soy, soy bean and soy mince. Tofu is one of the common foods that is made with soy and it is a great iron and protein source. You can give tofu to your baby along with foods or you may use it to replace meat.
Keep in mind
If you noticed that your baby is allergic to soy, You need to check whether other foods your give to your baby contain soy or not. By checking "ingredients of the products you buy, you can protect your child against soy allergy.
If you are breast feeding and notice allergic symptoms in your baby, stop eating soy or products that contain soy for 3 week in order to understand whether allergic reactions are related with soy.
Most soy available globally contains GDO so you should be elaborate about not eating soy grown from non-organic seeds. Even if you don't eat soy directly, you will see that most packed foods contain soya lecithin as preservative. Unless on the label it is clearly stated that the product is GDO free, avoid giving products that contain soy lecithin to your kids.
Nutritional value per 1 cup (180 gr) of boiled soy bean;
Protein 22.2 gr
Vitamin A 281 IU
Vitamin C 30.6 mg
Thiamin 0.5 mg
Riboflavin 0.3 mg
Niacin 2.3 mg
Folate 200 mcg
Calcium 261 mg
Iron 4.5 mg
Magnesium 108 mg.
Phosphor 284 mg
Potassium 970 mg
Sodium 25.2 mg
It's rich in calcium, iron and protein. It is produced from soy bean. It is a highly allergic food so be careful while feeding it to your baby. Follow the 3 day rule and observe whether your baby is allergic to soya or not.