How to do

Cube-cut the potato and the carrot.
Finely chop the onion and sauté in olive oil.
Add the carrot and cook for 5 minutes.
Add the peas and potato; add salt and cube sugar and add water just to cover it. Steam them at low heat.
Add the chopped dill and the chopped garlic...
Watch your little gourmet enjoy the peasJ
Bon Appetite!


If you haven't introduced more than one ingredient listed in this recipe, first introduce only one.
To minimize gas and allergy risk in children, it is important to follow the 3-day waiting rule and introduce each food one by one.
Don't add sugar and salt when cooking any dish for babies younger than 1 year old.

Keep in Mind

If your baby is under 8-month old, serve this dish by mashing it with a fork.
It is important that babies start eating grainy stuff at early ages.
However if your baby has difficulty with grainy stuff, you may pass the dish through a sieve or blend it with a blender.
For benefits of peas and other recipes with peas, click here.

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