113 recipes found.
- Alaska frigo Ice Cream
- Apple salad with grains
- Apple Surprise :)
- Artichoke leaves
- Asparagus, green apple and avocado dip
- Avocado and strawberry bomb
- Avocado puree
- Avocado with pear
- Avocado with winter squash and peaches
- Baked apple
- Baked apricot with cinnamon
- Baked banana
- Baked pear
- Baked pear
- Banana Biscuit
- Banana Toast
- Banana with Oats and Figs
- Beetroot chips
- Biscuit with cherries
- Blueberry pancake
- Blueberry with apple and pear
- Boiled egg yolk
- Breakfast with red bell pepper
- Calcium Source Mini meatballs
- Carrot balls (cezerye)
- Cauliflower meatballs with vermicelli
- Cheese & dill cake
- Cheese dip with zucchini
- Cherry with cheese and molasses
- Chestnut puree with apple
- Chickpea bread