Benefits of cucumber

Especially in hot weathers, cucumber is both a nutritious and refreshing taste for us. It contains Vitamin A and Vitamin C. It even contains calcium, potassium, magnesium and phosphor and Omega 3 slightly. Since calorie of cucumber is low, it is a great snack for mothers who want to lose weight. Tomatopepper and cucumber chopped in thick sizes are delicious and nutritious summer tastes both for us and for our babies, that we can allow them to feed themselves with. Cucumber and yoghurt is a great combination. Taziki is a side dish that all children love. You can prepare a side sauce with yoghurt and salad and propose your kids to dip the fresh veggies in this sauce. For Gurme Bebek recipes with cucumber click here.

Keep in mind

It is safe to eat the skin of cucumber as well. Of course after washing thoroughly. However it may be a little difficult for digestive system of babies. It is better to remove the skin before giving cucumber to your baby. This is good both for his digestive system and also you will not expose him to unnecessary chemicals. Because producers rub a glaze on cucumber most of the time so that it lasts longer and this glaze is unhealthy for all of us.

For the ones who like to remove the seeds inside cucumber, we would like to remind you that nutritional value of these seeds is very high. So Gurme Bebek advises you not to remove the seeds inside cucumber.

Also cucumber is a good  teether. If you are worried about him biting and swallowing a large portion of cucumber while he is teething, you may use fruit nets produced for this purpose.

You may introduce cucumber to your baby at month 8.
Even though we don't see it as a problem, some mothers say cucumber causes gas in babies. So you should observe whether your little gourmets experience gas problem when you feed him cucumber
It is a diuretic food. If your little gourmet has  diarrhea please ask your doctor first to avoid increasing dehydration. But if he suffers from constipation then you can feed him cucumber without worrying. 

Recipes with Cucumber

Click here for yoghurt with pear and cucumber
Click here for mashed potato for breakfast (Casus Cheese)
Click here for yoghurt sauce with cucumber
Click here for cucumber with walnut
Click here for green lentil salad

Nutritional value per 100 gram cucumber;
Vitamin A 105  IU 
Vitamin C 2.8 mg 
Vitamin K 16.4 mcg 
Folate 7 mcg 
Calcium16.0 mg 
Magnesium 13 mg 
Phosphor 24.0 mg 
Potassium 147 mg 
Omega 3- 5.0 mg 
Omega 6- 28.0 mg 
Protein 0.7 g 
Calorie 15