Benefits of earth apple
It is rich in iron, Vitamin C, phosphor and potassium and it boosts the body resistance. It increases breast milk production. You may give earth apple to your baby when he suffers from constipation. It will help him relax. Click here for ways to overcome constipation problem.
If you are looking for a recipe for earth apple you are at the right spot.
Keep in mind
You can find fresh earth apple in October. The best method of cooking is steaming. This way you will maintain its vitamin content.
Earth apple contains an element called inulin. It is good for intestines. But at the same time, this makes it harder to digest. Which means earth apple may cause gas problem. It may cause stomach pain. If you think your baby will have difficulty digesting it, wait until month 10 to feed your baby earth apple. And afterwards check whether he suffers from a digestion problem.
Earth apple contains very low amount of nitrate. So don't add the water you use to cook earth apple to your foods. It is a diuretic food. If your little gourmet has diarrhea please ask your doctor first to avoid increasing dehydration. Don't forget to follow the three day waiting rule while giving earth apple to your baby.
Click here for ways to fight with gas problem.
Click here for ways to overcome diarrhea.
Nutritional value per 150 gram of earth apple;
Vitamin A 30.0 IU
Vitamin C 6.0 mg
Folate 19.5 mcg
Calcium 21.0 mg
Iron 5.1 mg
Magnesium 25.5 mg
Phosphor 117 mg
Potassium 643 mg
Sodium 6.0 mg
Protein 3 g
Earth apple 8
Earth apple is an ineloquent vegetable that looks a little bumpy. In fact it is a delicious nutrition source.