How to do

Wash the cabbage leaves.
Pour lemon juice and set it aside.
Add the water and cracked wheat to the pot and cook.
When cracked wheat is semi-cooked, add the cabbage leaves.
Whisk the yogurt and add some of the water you have used to cook the cabbage; mix these well.
Pour the mixture onto the cabbage.
Mix it all.

Now it’s time to enjoy this warm and lovey soup; along with the warm and lovely moments with your little gourmetJ Bon Appetite!


Always consult your doctor about the foods you introduce your baby for the first time and follow the three-day waiting rule. 

Keep in Mind

Lemon is an acidic food ad may cause rashes in babies.
Cabbage may cause gas pains in babies.
Before feeding cabbage to your baby read our article here.

Sender : Seda Sümer | Other recipes
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