How to do

Melt the butter; add the semolina, wheat flour, rice flour and roast them for two minutes. 
Pour water or milk; stir it continuously until it boils.
Add grated apple and orange juice to the pudding that you take off the stove
After it is tepid, add the molasses.
Ready to taste it! Imagine yourself with your little gourmet years later, at a chic café, enjoying a tasty fruit pudding together… So heart-warming right? Bon Appetite!


Watch out; if you don't stir it continuously, you will have clumps.
This is especially great when made with milk and we love it.


Please note that experts don't recommend cow's milk before 1 year old.
Always consult your doctor about the foods you introduce your baby for the first time and follow the three-day waiting rule 

Keep in Mind

You may use cow's milk or goat's milk for babies over 1 year old.
You may top it with different fruits and I recommend the banana and pear combo.

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