72 recipes found.
- Alaska frigo Ice Cream
- Apple and pear stew with cinnamon
- Apple puree
- Apple salad with grains
- Apple Surprise :)
- Avocado with banana
- Avocado with pear
- Baby cream with mango, strawberry and banana
- Baked apple
- Baked apricot with cinnamon
- Baked banana
- Baked pear
- Baked pear
- Banana Biscuit
- Banana with Oats and Figs
- Blueberry with apple and pear
- Carrot balls (cezerye)
- Cherry with cheese and molasses
- Cherry with yogurt
- Chestnut pudding
- Chestnut puree with apple
- Cookie with locust bean
- Damson Plum Jam
- Date palm balls with sesame
- Dried apricot puree
- Dried fruit puree with semolina
- Dried fruits with winter squash
- Dry prune with yogurt
- Fried banana
- Frozen Yogurt
- Fruit salad with avocado