379 recipes found.
- Alaska frigo Ice Cream
- American Dip
- Apple and turnip salad
- Apple pure with yogurt
- Apple puree
- Apple salad with grains
- Apple Surprise :)
- Apple with linden
- Apricot with chicken and rice
- Artichoke leaves
- Artichoke puree
- Artichoke with basil
- Asparagus soup with chicken broth
- Asparagus soup with mild cream cheese
- Asparagus, green apple and avocado dip
- Avocado and broccoli puree with wheat germ
- Avocado and broccoli puree with yogurt (bread or rice added)
- Avocado and pea puree with wheat germ and yogurt
- Avocado and peas puree with yogurt (bread or rice added)
- Avocado and strawberry bomb
- Avocado and zucchini puree with wheat germ
- Avocado and zucchini puree with yogurt (bread or rice added)
- Avocado Breakfast
- Avocado puree
- Avocado with banana
- Avocado with eggs (bread or rice added)
- Avocado with pear
- Avocado with winter squash and peaches
- Avocado with yogurt (bread or rice added)
- Avocado with yogurt and wheat germ
- Baby breakfast with linden